expires Property

Internet Development Index

Sets or retrieves the expiration date of data persisted with the userData behavior.


ScriptinguserData.expires [ = sUTCString ]

Possible Values

sUTCStringString that specifies or receives the expiration date in UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) format.

The property is read/write. The property has no default value.


The expires property designates the amount of time that persisted information is available. Microsoft® Internet Explorer removes the persisted information when the browser checks the date and the designated time has expired.


This example uses the expires property to set the expiration date of persisted data to one minute after the information is persisted.

.userData { behavior: url(#default#userdata)}
function fnSave(){
var oTimeNow = new Date(); // Start Time
oTimeNow.setMinutes(oTimeNow.getMinutes() + 1);
var sExpirationDate = oTimeNow.toUTCString();
oPersistDiv.expires = sExpirationDate;
// Save the persistence data as "sTimeout".
<DIV CLASS = "userData" ID=oPersistDiv onsave = "fnSave()" >
<INPUT TYPE=text ID=oPersistText>

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this property.

Applies To


See Also

Introduction to Persistence