expand Method

Internet Development Index

Expands the range so that partial units are completely contained.


bSuccess = TextRange.expand(sUnit)


sUnit Required. String that specifies the units to move in the range, using one one of the following values:
characterExpands a character.
wordExpands a word. A word is a collection of characters terminated by a space or another white-space character, such as a tab.
sentenceExpands a sentence. A sentence is a collection of words terminated by an ending punctuation character, such as a period.
texteditExpands to enclose the entire range.

Return Value

Boolean that returns one of the following values:

trueThe range was successfully expanded.
falseThe range was not expanded.


This feature might not be available on non-Microsoft® Win32® platforms.


This example creates a range from the current selection and uses the expand method to ensure that any word partially enclosed in the range becomes entirely enclosed in the range.

var rng = document.selection.createRange();

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this method.

Applies To


See Also
