t:EXCL Element | excl Object | Internet Development Index |
Defines a time container that allows only one child element to play at any given time.
Members Table
Attribute Property Description ACCELERATE accelerate Sets or retrieves a value that applies an acceleration to an element's timeline. AUTOREVERSE autoReverse Sets or retrieves whether the timeline on an element begins playing in reverse immediately after completing in the forward direction. DECELERATE decelerate Sets or retrieves a value that applies a deceleration to the end of a simple duration. DUR dur Sets or retrieves a value indicating the amount of time the element remains active or displayed. ENDSYNC endSync Sets or retrieves the synchronization rule that specifies which child element is used to determine when the time container will end. REPEATDUR repeatDur Sets or retrieves the number of seconds that an element's timeline repeats. SYNCBEHAVIOR syncBehavior Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the synchronization rules for the element's timeline. syncTolerance Sets or retrieves the time variance allowed on a timeline with locked synchronization.
Collection Description activeElements Returns a reference to the collection of all top-level child elements of the object that are currently active on the timeline. timeAll Retrieves a reference to the collection of all timed elements. timeChildren Retrieves a reference to the collection of all timed, top-level children elements.
Event Description onend Fires when the timeline stops on an element. onmediaerror Fires when an element's media file causes any error. onrepeat Fires when the timeline repeats on an element, beginning with the second iteration. onreset Fires when the timeline reaches the value of the BEGIN attribute or when the resetElement method is called on the element. onreverse Fires when the timeline on an element begins to play backward. onseek Fires whenever a seek operation is performed on the element.
Method Description activeTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the parent timeline. activeTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the segment timeline. beginElement Starts the element on the timeline. documentTimeToParentTime Converts a value in the document timeline to the corresponding point in the element's parent timeline. endElement Stops the element on the timeline. parentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the parent timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline. parentTimeToDocumentTime Converts a value in the element's parent timeline to the corresponding point in the document timeline. resetElement Removes any changes made to the element and returns the element to its original state. seekTo Locates a specified point on the element's segment timeline, including repetitions, and begins playing from that point. seekToFrame Locates a specified frame in the object. segmentTimeToActiveTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline. segmentTimeToSimpleTime Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's simple timeline. simpleTimeToSegmentTime Converts a value in the element's simple timeline to the corresponding point in the element's segment timeline.
A child element playing in the t:EXCL time container will end if another child element in that same container starts playing. Use the priorityClass element to specify that the original child element will resume after the other child element has finished. The priorityClass element is used to define the pause/interrupt behavior of t:EXCL children. When a child element plays through without any interruptions from other child elements, the t:EXCL time container also ends. The t:EXCL time container must be restarted before any of its child elements can play again. Much like a jukebox, the t:EXCL time container is used to store several media files that can be played one at a time.
The default value of begin for children of t:EXCL is indefinite. The t:EXCL time container has 0 duration unless a child of the t:EXCL has been added to the timeline.
The prefix t: is used to associate this element with an Extensible Markup Language (XML) namespace. You must declare the XML namespace in the html tag of your document when using this element.
<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">You must then import the tag definitions from the time2 behavior by using the IMPORT processing instruction.
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">The members listed in the following table might not be accessible through scripting until the window.onload event fires. Waiting for this event to fire ensures that the page is completely loaded, that all behaviors have been applied to corresponding elements on the page, and that all the behavior's properties, methods, and events are available for scripting. Using any of the behavior-defined members before the window.onload event fires could result in a scripting error, indicating that the object does not support that particular member.
This element is not rendered.
This element requires a closing tag.
This example uses the t:EXCL element to demonstrate that only one HTML element can play at any given time. If a child element starts before the preceding child's duration ends, the new child element will override the timeline.
<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time"> <HEAD> <TITLE>excl Element</TITLE> <STYLE> .time {behavior:url(#default#time2);} </STYLE> <?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2"> </HEAD> <BODY TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 BGPROPERTIES="FIXED" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#000000"> <t:excl> <DIV ID="div1" CLASS="time" BEGIN="0" DUR="3">First line of text.</DIV> <DIV ID="div2" CLASS="time" BEGIN="2" DUR="3">Second line of text.</DIV> <DIV ID="div3" CLASS="time" BEGIN="4" DUR="3">Third line of text.</DIV> <SPAN ID="span1" CLASS="time" BEGIN="6" DUR="indefinite"> End of t:excl element.</SPAN> </t:excl> </BODY> </HTML>
Standards Information
This object is defined in Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 2.0
See Also
Introduction to HTML+TIME, time2, priorityClass