CLIPBEGIN Attribute | clipBegin Property | Internet Development Index |
Sets or retrieves the beginning point of a sub-clip of a continuous media object.
HTML <ELEMENT CLIPBEGIN = sTime... > Scripting object.clipBegin [ = sTime ]
Possible Values
sTime String that specifies or receives the beginning point of a media object as an offset from the start time. The time must be specified as described in Time Formats. The property is read/write. The property has no default value.
In order for the CLIPBEGIN attribute to work, the time2 behavior must be able to seek into the media. Some streaming formats do not support seeking. Ideally, the canSeek property should indicate if a media type supports seeking. Some formats, particularly streaming media, do not report the correct information regarding their ability to seek.
Media must be seekable (canSeek = true), for the clipBegin or clipEnd methods to work on that media.
Standards Information
This property is defined in Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 2.0
Applies To
See Also
Introduction to HTML+TIME, canSeek, CLIPEND