segmentDur Property

Internet Development Index

Retrieves the duration of an element on a timeline in seconds, including autoReverse.


[ iDuration = ] currTimeState.segmentDur

Possible Values

iDurationInteger that receives the duration of an element on a timeline in seconds, including autoReverse.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


This example uses the segmentDur property to retrieve the duration of the elements on the timeline.

<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
function getSegmentDur(){
s1.innerText += d1.currTimeState.segmentDur;
s2.innerText += d2.currTimeState.segmentDur;
.time{ behavior: url(#default#time2);}
LINK="#000000" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#000000">
<t:excl id="t1" onbegin="getSegmentDur();">
<t:priorityclass peers="pause">
<SPAN id="d1" class="time" begin="0" dur="10">
<H3>Paragraph 1</H3>
<P>Paragraph 1 is displayed until it is interrupted by the
next element (at 5 seconds); it then resumes its
duration of 10 seconds.
<SPAN id="d2" class="time" begin="5" dur="5">
<H3>Paragraph 2</H3>
<P>Paragraph 2 is displayed for 5 seconds; Paragraph 1 then
resumes its duration.
<B>Duration of paragraph 1 on timeline:&nbsp;</B><SPAN id="s1"></SPAN>&nbsp;second(s)
<B>Duration of paragraph 2 on timeline:&nbsp;</B><SPAN id="s2"></SPAN>&nbsp;second(s)
This feature requires Microsoft?Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

Standards Information

This property is a Microsoft extension to Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) Non-Microsoft link.

Applies To


See Also

Introduction to HTML+TIME, activeDur, dur, mediaDur, repeatDur, simpleDur