GMP 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)

gmp_xorBitwise XOR


resource gmp_xor ( resource $a , resource $b )

Calculates bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) of two GMP numbers.



可以是一个 GMP 数据 resouce,或一个可以转换为数值的字符串。


可以是一个 GMP 数据 resouce,或一个可以转换为数值的字符串。


GMP 数值资源.


Example #1 gmp_xor() example

$xor2 gmp_init("0110011001011001"2);

$xor3 gmp_xor($xor1$xor2);

gmp_strval($xor32) . "\n";



GMP 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: Bitwise XOR


greenone (02-Jul-2008 08:26)

here's a fast alternative to compute the xor-value of two bitstrings of an arbitrary (but same) length.

 * xor-op for bitstrings of arbitrary length
 * bitstrings must have same length
 * @param string $o1
 * @param string $o2
 * @return string
function bitxor($o1, $o2) {
$xorWidth = PHP_INT_SIZE*8;
$o1 = str_split($o1, $xorWidth);
$o2 = str_split($o2, $xorWidth);
$res = '';
$runs = count($o1);
$res .= decbin(bindec($o1[$i]) ^ bindec($o2[$i]));       

kimcbrowne at hotmail dot com (04-Oct-2005 03:48)

To be unbreakable XOR encryption must have a key that is totally random and is never re-used.  If you use a key a second time, it can be broken.  This can be confirmed by reading the page at

Although I am not an expert on cryptography, I understand that decyphering involves recognizing patterns and that it would be possible to decrypt code that was encoded using XOR with the same key if there were enough samples to examine.  Maintaining unique keys for each encryption at both encryption and decryption points to ensure 100 percent unbreakability has security problems of its own - where and how are the keys stored and how are they transmitted to the decryption points?

bukaj at bukaj dot net (29-Mar-2005 01:38)

XOR encryption is an ultimate encryption algorithm. It can't be be broken. It is used to encrypt stealth submarine's orders. I cannot agree with "kid-sister" post below. If you use vast key (as long as encrypted message) which is random (space noise recorded on a cd), the encrypted message is also radnom - impossible to decrypt without key. Under those conditions, XOR is strongest encryption algorithm ever known.

patm at pureconnection dot net (08-Jan-2004 01:22)

XOR encryption only works if the key is at liest the same size as the plaintext, and the key is perfectly random. And no, rand() is not perfectly random.

mikko at entris dot net (15-Jul-2002 10:33)

The logical XOR can be used for encrypting data. Use resource A as your original text and resource B as the key. Be sure to use long enough key so that the key doesn't loop. Decryption works the same way, input encrypted text as res A and key as res B.