Classes/Object 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

is_a如果对象属于该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE


bool is_a ( object $object , string $class_name )

如果对象是该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE

Example #1 is_a() 例子

// define a class
class WidgetFactory
$oink 'moo';

// create a new object
$WF = new WidgetFactory();

if (
is_a($WF'WidgetFactory')) {
"yes, \$WF is still a WidgetFactory\n";

is_a() 函数已废弃,自 PHP 5 起请使用 instanceof 类型运算符。上例在 PHP 5 中会是这样:

Example #2 在 PHP 5 中使用 instanceof 运算符

if ($WF instanceof WidgetFactory) {
'Yes, $WF is a WidgetFactory';

参见 get_class()get_parent_class()is_subclass_of()

Classes/Object 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 如果对象属于该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE


webmaster at thedigitalorchard dot ca (14-Jan-2012 09:35)

What a farce, I must say. :)

PHP 5.3.9 adds an $allow_string parameter in order to handle strings being passed in, but controls the auto-loading behavior? Talk about confusing. Not sure if there's a committee discussing changes to core functions like this, but I feel that's a poor design. Don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate the voluntary efforts of PHP developers, but this loosy-goosy approach to function prototypes is a recipe for disaster over the long term.

eitan at mosenkis dot net (12-Jan-2012 09:09)

As of PHP 5.3.9, is_a() seems to return false when passed a string for the first argument. Instead, use is_subclass_of() and, if necessary for your purposes, also check if the two arguments are equal, since is_subclass_of('foo', 'foo') will return false, while is_a('foo', 'foo') used to return true.

Aron Budinszky (07-Sep-2011 12:21)

Be careful! Starting in PHP 5.3.7 the behavior of is_a() has changed slightly: when calling is_a() with a first argument that is not an object, __autoload() is triggered!

In practice, this means that calling is_a('23', 'User'); will trigger __autoload() on "23". Previously, the above statement simply returned 'false'.

More info can be found here:

Whether this change is considered a bug and whether it will be reverted or kept in future versions is yet to be determined, but nevertheless it is how it is, for now...

p dot scheit at zweipol dot net (16-Jan-2007 09:44)

At least in PHP 5.1.6 this works as well with Interfaces.

interface test {
  public function

TestImplementor implements test {
  public function
A () {

$testImpl = new TestImplementor();


will return true

martin dunisch (13-Feb-2006 08:02)

Workaround for older PHP-Versions:

function is_a($anObject, $aClass) {
   return get_class($anObject) == strtolower($aClass)
     or is_subclass_of($anObject, $aClass);

dead dot screamer at seznam dot cz (06-Feb-2006 07:44)

Why I test if class `A` inherit class `B` or implements interface `C` before I create class `A`?

//That isn't work:

//1. function is_A()
if(is_A('A','B'))$a=new A;
if(is_A('A','C'))$a=new A;

//2. operator instanceOf
if(A instanceOf B)$a=new A;
if(A instanceOf C)$a=new A;

zabmilenko at hotmail dot com (08-Oct-2005 01:18)

Lazy Instantiation using is_a() and php5


class ObjectA
    public function
$text . "\n";

    public function

        if (!
is_a($objecta, 'ObjectA'))
$objecta = new ObjectA;


$obj = new ObjectB;
$obj->ObjectA()->print_line('testing, 1 2 3');


In the above example, ObjectA is not instantiated until needed by ObjectB.  Then ObjectB can continually use it's creation as needed without reinstantiating it. 

There are other ways, but I like this one :-)

cesoid at yahoo dot com (06-Oct-2005 03:01)

is_a returns TRUE for instances of children of the class.

For example:

class Animal

class Dog extends Animal

$test = new Dog();

In this example is_a($test, "Animal") would evaluate to TRUE as well as is_a($test, "Dog").

This seemed intuitive to me, but did not seem to be documented.