Filesystem 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5)



bool mkdir ( string $pathname [, int $mode [, bool $recursive [, resource $context ]]] )

尝试新建一个由 pathname 指定的目录。

注意也许想用八进制数指定模式,也就是说该数应以零打头。模式也会被当前的 umask 修改,可以用 umask() 来改变。


mode 在 Windows 下被忽略。自 PHP 4.2.0 起成为可选项。

默认的 mode 是 0777,意味着最大可能的访问权。有关 mode 的更多信息请阅读 chmod() 页面。

Example #1 mkdir() 例子


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.

Note: 自 PHP 5.0.0 rmdir() 也可用于某些 URL 封装协议。参见Supported Protocols and Wrappers 的列表看看 rmdir() 支持哪些 URL 封装协议。

Note: 在 PHP 5.0.0 中增加了 对上下文(Context)的支持。 有关 上下文(Context) 的说明参见 Streams

Note: recursive 参数是 PHP 5.0.0 添加的。

Note: 当启用 安全模式时, PHP 会在执行脚本时检查被脚本操作的目录是否与被执行的脚本有相同的 UID(所有者)。

参见 rmdir()



The directory path.


The mode is 0777 by default, which means the widest possible access. For more information on modes, read the details on the chmod() page.


mode is ignored on Windows.

Note that you probably want to specify the mode as an octal number, which means it should have a leading zero. The mode is also modified by the current umask, which you can change using umask().


Allows the creation of nested directories specified in the pathname.


Note: 在 PHP 5.0.0 中增加了 对上下文(Context)的支持。 有关 上下文(Context) 的说明参见 Streams


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.


版本 说明
5.0.0 The recursive parameter was added
5.0.0 As of PHP 5.0.0 mkdir() can also be used with some URL wrappers. Refer to Supported Protocols and Wrappers for a listing of which wrappers support mkdir()
4.2.0 The mode parameter became optional.


Example #2 mkdir() example


Example #3 mkdir() using the recursive parameter

// Desired folder structure
$structure './depth1/depth2/depth3/';

// To create the nested structure, the $recursive parameter 
// to mkdir() must be specified.

if (!mkdir($structure0true)) {
'Failed to create folders...');

// ...


Note: 当启用 安全模式时, PHP 会在执行脚本时检查被脚本操作的目录是否与被执行的脚本有相同的 UID(所有者)。


Filesystem 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 新建目录


Mick (29-Dec-2011 01:22)

I was able to resolve this problem by ensuring the containing folder had write permission enabled (CHMOD 775) where I wanted to create a new folder.

As others have said, it's worth checking, then double checking, the permissions.

matt at imaketheweb dot com (04-Aug-2011 02:26)

If you're getting a Permission Denied error, but are certain the permissions and ownership where you are trying to create the directory are correct, check again:

The location where you are trying to create the directory in must have the Execute permission for the owner trying to create it, regardless of if the folder is Readable, or Writable.

This may be obvious to some, but was not to me at first. Hopefully this will save you the trouble I went through.

pz (05-Jul-2011 05:41)

mkdir works with stream wrappers, so it's ok to write mkdir('ftp://user:pass@server/mydir');

which really made my day

toppi at kacke dot de (07-Jun-2011 04:36)

If you have problems with the SAFE MODE Restriction in effect i.e. if you try to create and access to subdirectorys recursive you can use ftp-lib like this.


DEFINE ('FTP_PASS','yourPassword');

 * Returns the created directory or false.
 * @param Directory to create (String)
 * @return Created directory or false;

function mkDirFix ($path) {
$path = explode("/",$path);
$conn_id = @ftp_connect("localhost");
$conn_id) {
        if (@
ftp_login($conn_id, FTP_USER, FTP_PASS)) {
            foreach (
$path as $dir) {
$dir) {
ftp_chdir($conn_id,$currPath)) {
ftp_mkdir($conn_id,$currPath)) {

Maybe it helps.

nickcarenza at gmail dot com (26-May-2011 09:41)

If you are having trouble with the pathname, use:

echo dirname( __FILE__ );

That will show you the pathname of the current script and you will be able to use that to see where you have to start your pathname.

I tried forever to do mkdir('dirname') and was getting permission denied. I can see now its because it was trying to create that folder up at home when i wanted it down in public_html.

I hope this saves someone some time.

[Rakesh Verma] rakeshnsony at gmail dot com (03-May-2011 07:02)

if you are unable to create recursive folder(s) using 0755 mode in your php script.

Then try it by changing your current user to apache and test it again.

Hopefully you will get positive results

julius - grantzau - c-o-m (08-Mar-2011 04:10)

Remember to use clearstatcache()

... when working with filesystem functions.

Otherwise, as an example, you can get an error creating a folder (using mkdir) just after deleting it (using rmdir).

Benjamin Rack (02-Dec-2010 12:18)

It should be mentioned that - at least on Windows - when using UNC paths with mkdir the 2nd parameter $mode should not be specified. Otherwise mkdir fails to create the directory on the given UNC path.

Anonymous (25-Sep-2010 03:18)

The mode on your directory is affected by your current umask.  It will end
up having (<mkdir-mode> and (not <umask>)).  If you want to create one
that is publicly readable, do something like this:

= umask(0);
mkdir('mydir', 0777); // or even 01777 so you get the sticky bit set


satis at clankiller dot com (08-Sep-2010 02:05)

Please note that in a shared environment I failed to take into account an existing umask when I did a mkdir(dirname, 0755).  This ended up creating the directory (function returned true), but I didn't have rights to do anything inside the folder, nor could I even view that it existed via ftp.

However, file_exists(dirname) returned true.  Eventually I figured out what happened and was able to rmdir(dirname), then created the directory correctly.

So, when writing scripts you expect to be portable, either use umask to set your umask accordingly, or do a straight mkdir(dirname) followed by chmod(dirname, 0755) (or whatever it is you're looking for).  If you make the same mistake I did, you should be able to rmdir() or chmod() the folder so it's accessible.

vishal at e-arth dot in (27-Aug-2010 08:59)

I used the following syntax to create directory

mkdir('mydir', 0777);

directory get created but it's permissions not set to 777, that is why I am not able to upload the images in this folder.
my server is linux
any solutions??

jack dot sleight at gmail dot com (26-Mar-2010 11:26)

When using the recursive parameter bear in mind that if you're using chmod() after mkdir() to set the mode without it being modified by the value of uchar() you need to call chmod() on all created directories. ie:

('/test1/test2', 0777, true);
chmod('/test1/test2', 0777);

May result in "/test1/test2" having a mode of 0777 but "/test1" still having a mode of 0755 from the mkdir() call. You'd need to do:

('/test1/test2', 0777, true);
chmod('/test1', 0777);
chmod('/test1/test2', 0777);

michael at neo dot co dot il (27-Jan-2010 03:39)

sometimes the directory created with another mode than specified ( 0755 instead 0777  etc).
to solve that use :

= umask(0);

Brian S (11-Aug-2009 04:51)

The example from "hinom - iMasters" below is broken -- here's a version that works:


function handleError() {
trigger_error('MY ERROR');

/** usage sample
        echo $php_errormsg;

// detect slash/backslash nomenclature dirname
$path = dirname( __FILE__ );
$slash = '/';

stristr( $path, $slash )) ? '' : $slash = '\\';
define( 'BASE_DIR', $path . $slash );

$folder  = time();               // folder name
$dirPath = BASE_DIR . $folder;   // folder path

// print results
echo $slash;

$rs = @mkdir( $dirPath, 0777 );
$rs )

// print success information
echo 'was done!';
'<br>folder: <a href="' . $folder . '">' . $folder . '</a>';
'<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;

// print error information
echo 'an error was occurred. Attempting create folder';
'<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;
'<br>php_errormsg: ' . $php_errormsg;



[EDIT by thiago AT php DOT net: This function has a fix from]

ethaizone at hotmail dot com (03-Aug-2009 09:10)

When I created folder on windows with mkdir, I found some problem from folder nam so I write this function.

function filename_safe($name) {
$except = array('\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|');
str_replace($except, '', $name);

It can use with another functions about file system as file_put_contents to clean up file name.

vlad at todosv dot com (05-Mar-2009 04:59)

Note that you should NOT enter the $mode value with "" or '' sorrounding it.

So, this should be valid:
<?php mkdir("dir1/dir2",0777,true); ?>

But this is not:
<?php mkdir("dir1/dir2","0777",true); ?>

Nor this:
<?php mkdir("dir1/dir2",'0777',true); ?>

d dot kok at kadova dot nl (20-Feb-2009 08:02)

Please note that when specifying the recursive option the function returns false anyway if the directory already exists.

For some reason however I expected it to behave like `mkdir -p` on the command line which succeeds if the directory already exists.

t-k-r at o2 dot pl (17-Dec-2008 09:42)

Very simple script, may be useful to someone.
Creating a directory structure liki this:

0 ------ 0
1          1
2          2 -------- 0
3          3             1
4          ...           2
5                        3
6                        ...

Used by my as structure to store uploaded files:
someone upload file -> its name + microtime is md5 -> first 3 letters of md5 string are first 3 subfolders in this folder structure, and at least file is stroed with md5 name.
Naturally SQL- or other type - Database is needed to store infos about files position in this structure.


for ($a=0;$a<=15;$a++) {

    for (
$b=0;$b<=15;$b++) {


        for (
$c=0;$c<=15;$c++) {






hinom - iMasters (19-Sep-2008 06:56)

mkdir simple test with "exception handler"


function handleError() {
trigger_error('MY ERROR');

/** usage sample
        echo $php_errormsg;

// detect slash/backslash nomenclature dirname
$path = dirname( __FILE__ );
$slash = '/'; strpos( $path, $slash ) ? '' : $slash = '\\';
define( 'BASE_DIR', $path . $slash );

$folder  = time();               // folder name
$dirPath = BASE_DIR . $folder;   // folder path

// print results
echo $slash;

$rs = @mkdir( $dirPath, '0777' );
$rs )

// print success information
echo 'was done!';
'<br>folder: <a href="' . $folder . '">' . $folder . '</a>';
'<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;

// print error information
echo 'an error was occurred. Attempting create folder';
'<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;
'<br>php_errormsg: ' . $php_errormsg;



php at mike2k dot com (15-Jul-2008 09:32)

It should be noted that all of the recursive mkdir functions coded below are no longer required - as of 5.0.0 it says the "recursive" flag is available. I just tested it, it properly works (and I would assume it works for streams and Windows as well, if not, then it would be a bug)

GelaMu at GMail dot com (18-May-2008 01:19)


 * Makes directory and returns BOOL(TRUE) if exists OR made.
 * @param  $path Path name
 * @return bool
function rmkdir($path, $mode = 0755) {
$path = rtrim(preg_replace(array("/\\\\/", "/\/{2,}/"), "/", $path), "/");
$e = explode("/", ltrim($path, "/"));
substr($path, 0, 1) == "/") {
$e[0] = "/".$e[0];
$c = count($e);
$cp = $e[0];
$i = 1; $i < $c; $i++) {
is_dir($cp) && !@mkdir($cp, $mode)) {
$cp .= "/".$e[$i];
    return @
mkdir($path, $mode);


php at msn dot net (08-Mar-2008 06:05)


 * Makes directory, returns TRUE if exists or made
 * @param string $pathname The directory path.
 * @return boolean returns TRUE if exists or made or FALSE on failure.

function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode)
is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode);
is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode);


code at ashleyhunt dot co dot uk (14-Feb-2008 07:15)

Here's a script to create a recursive directory path on NAS or another server using Common Internet File System (CIFS)

e.g. you already have a directory on a server

you want to create some more directories

function remote_mkpath($server, $path)  {
$dirs = array();
$path = preg_replace('/(\/){2,}|(\\\){1,}/','/',$path); //only forward-slash
$dirs = explode("/", $path);
$path = "\\\\" . $server . "/";
$i = 0;
        foreach (
$dirs AS $element) {
$path .= $element . "/";
is_dir($path) && $i != 0) {
"something was wrong at : " . $path;

// example usage
remote_mkpath("SERVER", "share/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4");

Good luck!


david dot NOSPAM at ajnewmedia dot NOSPAM dot co dot uk (22-Jan-2008 05:04)

p-garcia : since PHP 5, setting the recursive flag (which currently has no notes in the manual entry) will allow you to create nested directories in the same way as Windows / Linux mkdir -p, so long as the webserver has permissions to write in the root directory of the path specified

("./newdir1/newdir2/newdir3/", 0755, true);

// Returns TRUE if you have permission to write to the current directory
  //   and creates nested directories with permissionsrwxr-xr-x

p-garcia at uniandes dot edu dot co (22-Jan-2008 01:45)

After a long time trying to catch the cause of the warning: "mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory", I finally realized that this function is not recursive; I mean, that if you want to create the folder -for example- c:\temp\t1\t2, you must do:
mkdir("c:\\temp\\t1") ;
mkdir("c:\\temp\\t1\\t2") ;

because mkdir is not like the windows mkdir where you can acomplish this in one single step.

Michal Nazarewicz, mina86 at mina86 dot com (27-Aug-2007 03:34)

On the other hand, splitting path on something else then a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR may give unexpected results when someone accualy wants a file name with backslash in it! Moreover, neither Alan's nor pluto's code check for errors or return any value. Also, I don't like the isset($folder[$i]) technique -- there is a count() function you know.

function recursive_mkdir($path, $mode = 0777) {
$dirs = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path);
$count = count($dirs);
$path = '.';
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirs[$i];
        if (!
is_dir($path) && !mkdir($path, $mode)) {

It will only fail if someone specifies a mode which does not allow owner to create new entries in directory.

kendsnyder at gmail dot com (04-May-2007 04:17)

When creating directories in Windows, trailing periods (".") are ignored.  for example:


('c:/Buck Jr.',0755);    // on Windows creates "c:/Buck Jr"
mkdir('c:/Elipses...',0755);  // on Windows creates "c:/Elipses"
mkdir('c:/',0755);     // on Windows creates "c:/"


This is a Window's quirk, not a php shortcoming--meaning that you get the same results from a Window's command prompt.

glenn at bengeweb dot co dot nz (13-Mar-2007 05:00)

I've discovered that since my (shared) hosting provider upgraded to PHP 5.1.6 , a script containing this mkdir doesn't work:

('/home/benge/photos/gallery1/extra_large/', 0777);

but this does work:
('/home/benge/photos/gallery1/extra_large', 0777);

the difference being, the trailing slash "/" after "extra_large.

There were three ways to fix the problem:
1. remove the trailing slash from the script code
2. downgrade to < PHP 5.1.6
3. turn safe mode off

I went with option 1.

sean at pedlr dot com (09-Mar-2007 04:58)

It should be noted that although the documentation says that  the default permissions for mkdir are 0777, this is not always the case.

I'm running LAMP and without explicitly setting the permissions, the directories created had permissions of 0755.

Ari Schulman (ario [] mail utexas edu) (08-Jan-2007 11:02)

Re: john 4t idserver d0t org, and djneoform at gmail dot com's posts from 27 Oct 2006:

On Windows systems, several keywords are reserved and cannot be used as filenames, in addition to just CON and PRN.  Attempting to create a folder with one of these names using mkdir will throw the unhelpful error "Invalid argument".  According to ?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/naming_a_file.asp :

"Do not use the following reserved device names for the name of a file: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9. Also avoid these names followed by an extension, for example, NUL.tx7.

    Windows NT:  CLOCK$ is also a reserved device name."

These keywords are also case-insensitive.  I don't know what problems are posed by using these keywords with extensions, but I successfully created a folder named "con_f".

fantasysportswire at yahoo dot com (21-Dec-2006 02:07)

One small correction on a note from Frank in June 2006 on recursive directories under Windows.

First - this should be in the documentation as its the only function that I know of that php does not fix the slashes automatically.

Franks note stated:


This doesn't work in windows:



This will work a bit better :)


PHGN (13-Aug-2006 07:13)

I've been wrestling with mkdir on a server with safe mode turned on (I think, I kept getting barmy permissions on the new dirs).

In the end the solution was to use:
exec (mkdir ...
exec (chmod ...

For this to work I had to use the setuid bit on the script itself. I tried this with the mkdir() function, but to no avail. (To do the setuid bit I ran chmod 4775 on the script file from the command line.)

kungla at gmail dot com (18-Jul-2006 01:41)

Somehow the recursive version of mkdir didn't work for me on Mac and the workaraounds listed below alsow didn't work for me, so heres my solution:

function mkdir_r($dirName, $rights=0777){
$dirs = explode('/', $dirName);
    foreach (
$dirs as $part) {
        if (!
is_dir($dir) && strlen($dir)>0)
mkdir($dir, $rights);

Tested and works ;)

jamespilcher1hotmail (08-Apr-2006 01:53)

one small gotcha:

mkdir(""), mkdir(false), and mkdir(null) give a "file exists" error. this is also true of a directory name consisting of any string that only contains space characters.

(this was on php 5.1.2 on Windows 2000)

bat at flurf dot net (22-Mar-2006 05:23)

A little understanding of LISPlike programming makes this sort of task (recursive mkdir()ing in PHP4) much simpler.  This version works nicely:

function MakeDirectory($dir, $mode = 0755)
  if (
is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir,$mode)) return TRUE;
  if (!
MakeDirectory(dirname($dir),$mode)) return FALSE;
  return @

How it works: line one attempts to make the directory, and returns TRUE if it works or if it already exists.  That's the easy case if the parent directories all exist.

Line two trims off the last directory name using dirname(), and calls MakeDirectory recursively on that shorter directory.  If that fails, it returns FALSE, but otherwise we come out of it knowing that the parent directory definitely exists.

Finally, presuming the recursive call worked, once we get to line three we can create the requested directory.

Note the use of @ to suppress warning messages from mkdir.

The beauty of this is that if, say, the great-grandparent directory exists but the grandparent and parent directories don't, the function will simply call itself recursively until it gets high enough up the tree to do some work, then carry on unwinding back until all the new directories have been created.

This is pretty bog-standard recursive programming.  Anyone who can't wrap their head around it after a few minutes of concentration should probably try a career in sales.

Ali Baba (10-Mar-2006 09:26)

Greg, your code does not work for me; maybe it has a bug or we have configuration changes. Anyway, this one works to create recursively the directory DIRECTORY.

define ("DIRECTORY", "/tmp/mydir/mysubdir");

do {
    $dir = DIRECTORY;
    while (!is_dir($dir)) {
        $basedir = dirname($dir);
        if ($basedir == '/' || is_dir($basedir))
} while ($dir != DIRECTORY);


(18-Jan-2006 05:48)

function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777, $recursive = true) {
  if( is_null($dir) || $dir === "" ){
    return FALSE;
  if( is_dir($dir) || $dir === "/" ){
    return TRUE;
  if( mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode, $recursive) ){
    return mkdir($dir, $mode);
  return FALSE;

Sean at seanj dot jcink dot com (24-Dec-2005 02:10)

Mkdir will work on parent directories as long as file permissions are right and the openbase restriction is not on.


Kevin Cook (02-Nov-2005 05:14)

I could not get the sticky bit set properly using the octal mode: 2775 (rwxrwsr-x)


$old_umask = umask(0);

using the above lines renders a directory with permissions:

d-wx-wSrwt  2 www www 4096 Nov  2 11:43 my_directory

Not exactly what I was looking for.

This gets closer to the mark:


$old_umask = umask(0);
mkdir($foo,0777); // the default chmod

drwxrwsrwx  2 www www 4096 Nov  2 11:46 my_directory

ephraim at coder-board dot info (11-Oct-2005 07:38)

When safe_mode is enabled, and you create a directory via mkdir, you can't create a second inside the first because the first folder's user is that one of the webserver and not that one of the script. This is dumb and very annoying :(

funke (16-Sep-2005 08:51)

Ive onlybeen coding in PHP for a couple of months so i Don't have all the syntax tricks down yet.

I wrote this function to create all the dirs in a path if they don't exist. its not actually recursive but i was to lazy to change the name  :)
theoretically i want it to work for both win and nix. As soon my project manager gets me a win box i'm gonna test it out.  anyrevisions to the function below would be appreciated.

// \

function recur_mkdirs($path, $mode = 0777) //creates directory tree recursively
$dirs = explode($GLOBALS["dirseparator"],$path);
$pos = strrpos($path, ".");
    if (
$pos === false) { // note: three equal signs
       // not found, means path ends in a dir not file
    else {
    for (
$c=0;$c < count($dirs) - $subamount; $c++) {
        for (
$cc=0; $cc <= $c; $cc++) {
        if (!
file_exists($thispath)) {
//print "$thispath<br>";

roth at egotec dot com (23-May-2005 07:43)

The 'mkdir' function doesn't function correctly on Windows when the path
contains forward slashes. The part of the path with the forward slashes
doesn't get created.

mkdir('c:/a/b/c/d', 0775, true);

You get the error message:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory

Please use backslashes under Windows or use the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.

mkdir('c:\a\b\c\d', 0775, true);
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'d', 0775, true);

webmaster2007 at home dot nl (28-Apr-2005 04:27)

Maybe you can use this:

function open_dir($dir, $newdir){    //The function that will copy the files
if(file_exists($dir) && file_exists($newdir)){
            while (
false !== ($file = readdir($open_dir))) {
$file != "." && $file != ".."){
file_exists($newdir."/".$file) && filetype($newdir."/".$file."/") != "dir"){
filetype($dir."/".$file."/") == "dir"){
open_dir($dir."/".$file."/", $newdir."/".$file."/");
                    else {
copy($dir."/".$file."/", $newdir."/".$file);
open_dir("Your source map", "Your destination map"); //Here you can fill in your source en destination map

Protik Mukherjee (03-Mar-2005 05:29)

mkdir, file rw, permission related notes for Fedora 3////
If you are using Fedora 3 and are facing permission problems, better check if SElinux is enabled on ur system. It add an additional layer of security and as a result PHP cant write to the folder eventhough it has 777 permissions. It took me almost a week to deal with this!

If you are not sure google for SElinux or 'disabling SELinux' and it may be the cure! Best of luck!

(28-Jun-2003 12:00)

You might notice that when you create a new directory using this code:

mkdir($dir, 0777);

The created folder actually has permissions of 0755, instead of the specified
0777. Why is this you ask? Because of umask():

The default value of umask, at least on my setup, is 18. Which is 22 octal, or
0022. This means that when you use mkdir() to CHMOD the created folder to 0777,
PHP takes 0777 and substracts the current value of umask, in our case 0022, so
the result is 0755 - which is not what you wanted, probably.

The "fix" for this is simple, include this line:

$old_umask = umask(0);

Right before creating a folder with mkdir() to have the actual value you put be
used as the CHMOD. If you would like to return umask to its original value when
you're done, use this:


aulbach at unter dot franken dot de (22-Jul-1999 10:37)

This is an annotation from Stig Bakken:

The mode on your directory is affected by your current umask.  It will end
up having (<mkdir-mode> and (not <umask>)).  If you want to create one
that is publicly readable, do something like this:

= umask(0);
mkdir('mydir', 0777); // or even 01777 so you get the sticky bit set