Variable handling 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5)



bool settype ( mixed $var , string $type )

将变量 var 的类型设置成 type

type 的可能值为:

成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.

Example #1 settype() 示例

"5bar"// string
$bar true;   // boolean

settype($foo"integer"); // $foo 现在是 5   (integer)
settype($bar"string");  // $bar 现在是 "1" (string)

参见 gettype()类型转换类型戏法



The variable being converted.


Possibles values of type are:

  • "boolean" (or, since PHP 4.2.0, "bool")
  • "integer" (or, since PHP 4.2.0, "int")
  • "float" (only possible since PHP 4.2.0, for older versions use the deprecated variant "double")
  • "string"
  • "array"
  • "object"
  • "null" (since PHP 4.2.0)


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.


Example #2 settype() example

"5bar"// string
$bar true;   // boolean

settype($foo"integer"); // $foo is now 5   (integer)
settype($bar"string");  // $bar is now "1" (string)



Maximum value for "int" is PHP_INT_MAX.


Variable handling 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 设置变量的类型


Special Notes (26-Feb-2012 08:00)

Note that you can't use this to convert a string 'true' or 'false' to a boolean variable true or false as a string 'false' is a boolean true. The empty string would be false instead...

= "true";
settype($var, 'bool');
var_dump($var); // true

$var = "false";
settype($var, 'bool');
var_dump($var); // true as well!

$var = "";
settype($var, 'bool');
var_dump($var); // false

brent_hathaway at yahoo dot com (30-Jun-2011 10:03)

Use intval instead of settype for integers. Much more reliable.

contact[at]covac-software[dot]com (28-Aug-2010 10:17)

With reply to Chris Sullins and Michael Benedict, I don't find this behavior strange:

echo var_dump( (int)'' );                    // int(0)

echo var_dump( (float)array('a'=>'b') );    // float(1)

This is due to the fact that an uninitialized variable is null, which converts to a 0. As does boolean false or an empty string or array.
When a value is not empty, such as my above array, it is converted to a 1 (integer/float) or true (boolean).
When changing between arrays and objects, it of course made sense to keep the fields intact (array key/values and object properties/values).


Chris Sullins (19-Apr-2010 07:59)

settype() has some really strange, potentially buggy behavior.

As noted by Michael Benedict, using settype() on a variable will initialize that variable.  What is stranger is that using settype() on an uninitialized variable that you are treating as an array or object will also initialize the variable.  So:

($foo->bar,"integer"); // stdClass Object ( [test] => 0 )

This works for a chain of any length: $foo->bar['baz']->etc

Next we look at what happens if $foo is already set.

= false;
settype($foo->bar,"integer"); // stdClass Object ( [test] => 0 )

In and of itself, this wouldn't be problematic.  It might even make sense.  But in all other cases where $foo is defined, even if (boolean) $foo === false, it will throw an error unless $foo->bar is valid (i.e. $foo is an object already).

= true;
settype($foo->bar,"integer"); // Notice: Trying to get property of non-object

michaltrutman at centrum dot cz (03-Feb-2009 04:32)

You can change variable type also in another way instead of using function settype().

= '125'; //$a is string

$a *= 1; //this convert $a to integer

$a *= 1.0; //$a is converted to float

$a .= ''; //now $a is string again

$a = NULL; //and finally $a is null

With this you can easily change variable type to string, float or integer (but you can't change float to integer).

Positive side effect of this is that it is about 50% faster than using settype() function. This is because simple expression is executed more quickly than function.

NWdev (17-Nov-2008 05:38)

In trying to convert an array of strings to an array of ints,
I attempted to use settype with array_walk.

//$numArray is generated by another process
$numArray = array('13','14','33');


//my conversion function
function str_to_int($val){
//remember: settype($x, 'int') returns boolean (1=success, 0=failure)
  //--> so return $x to return new value
"<br />gettype = ".gettype($val)."<br />";



The var_dumps both return the following:
array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "13" [1]=> string(2) "14" [2]=> string(2) "33" }

The gettype echo will show the value as an integer.

So it seems that settype($val,'int') makes the conversion,
but the function return value remains a string.
Since settype returns a boolean, using
<?php $val = settype($val, 'int'); ?>
is not a option.

I resolved my array value conversion using this instead:
array_map(create_function('$value', 'return (int)$value;'),$numArray);
Thanks to the posting here:

Perhaps this will save someone else spinning wheels a bit.

Also thanks to robin at barafranca dot com for
pointing out the boolean return value of settype.

mtinsley at dallasairmotive dot com (22-Jun-2008 09:36)

Yes, just look for the ampersand (&) in the function signature. Here you see:

bool settype  ( mixed &$var  , string $type  )

There is an & before the first parameter ($var). This means the variable is passed in by reference. So the function is working with the original variable and not a copied local version. You will see this in other php functions such as asort();

References Explained:

robin at barafranca dot com (05-Mar-2008 12:20)

Just a quick note, as this caught me out very briefly:

settype() returns bool, not the typecasted variable - so:

$blah = settype($blah, "int"); // is wrong, changes $blah to 0 or 1
settype($blah, "int"); // is correct

Hope this helps someone else who makes a mistake.. ;)

sneskid at hotmail dot com (05-Mar-2007 10:57)

In response to the guy who was having troubles with leading zeros and wrote the convertToInt function.

I benchmarked it and it is faster to just use base_convert than ltrim & friends.

base_convert also has a lower "first time call" cost than ltrim (this could be related to server settings).
It's about 2/3 that of ltrim.

If you only use this type of conversion once per script then it's far more beneficial to use base_convert.

The average values listed are ignoring the first time call costs.

= '0100';

// avg: 0.0000025 (0.0000036 wrapped as a function)
$x = base_convert($t, 10, 10);

// avg: 0.0000028 (0.0000039 wrapped as a function)
$x = 0+ltrim($t,'0');

ludvig dot ericson com (09-Apr-2006 04:36)

To matt:
This function accepts a paremeter, which does not imply you using hardcoded stuff, instead you can let the user choose! \o/

As a part of a framework or something.

Plus, you can probably call this with call_user_func

matt at mattsoft dot net (07-Dec-2005 05:49)

using (int) insted of the settype function works out much better for me. I have always used it. I personally don't see where settype would ever come in handy.

Michael Benedict (29-Oct-2005 06:55)

note that settype() will initialize an undefined variable.  Therefore, if you want to preserve type and value, you should wrap the settype() call in a call to isset().

($foo, "integer");

prints "|0|", NOT "||".

To get the latter, use:
if(isset($foo)) settype($foo, "integer");

(25-Oct-2005 02:30)

James Reiher (IL) writes:
23-Feb-2005 06:50

$agentnum = "007";
$agentnum = settype($agentnum, "int");
echo $agentnum; // will show up as 1 instead of 7!

James, the return value of settype function is boolean, 1 if succsess.
Correct code: $success=settype($agentnum, "int");
The $agentnum is now 7 (not 007 or not 1)!

(25-Sep-2005 09:24)

In response to the comment by Neoja regarding validating every variable in the URL using settype -- that is wrong.

All value passed in the URL are strings, even if they are numbers. (Remember, they are passed in the header, which is a specially formatted string).

nospamplease at veganismus dot ch (22-Jul-2005 03:38)

you must note that this function will not set the type permanently! the next time you set the value of that variable php will change its type as well.

(16-May-2005 08:22)

I needed to pull a zerofilled integer out of a MySQL table and increment it by a certain amount.  Unfortunately, PHP treated this integer as if it were a string when I tried to add an amount to it.  For instance:

= '0100';
$b = $a + 1;
// This would print 64 instead of 101.

To fix this I created a simple function:

function convertToInt($string) {
$y = ltrim($string, '0');
$z = 0 + $y;
// Now I can add any integer to my converted integer
$a = '0100';
$b = 2 + convertToInt($a);
// This prints 102

reinier_deblois at hotmail dot com (13-Mar-2005 05:18)

Instead of settype you could use:

=593// $int is a integer

$int.="";   // $int is now a string

James Reiher (IL) (23-Feb-2005 05:50)

I had a problem with PHP destroying the value of my integer with leading zeros as follows:

$agentnum = "007";
$agentnum = settype($agentnum, "int");
echo $agentnum; // will show up as 1 instead of 7!

Oddly enough, this works fine, (at least for PHP 4.3):
$agentnumber = "007";
$agentnumber += 0; // convert $number to numeric type
echo $agentnumber; // will now show up as 7!

If you do this for gods sake leave a comment on the line because its definitely not by-the-book coding. Another commentor here has used regular expressions to weed out the leading zeros, so I know its not the only solution.

I also tried the equivelant of:
$agentnum = "007";
$agentnum = (int)$agentnumber;
echo $agentnum;

But the result is a nonsense number, probably by using the concatenation of the ASCII codes as the integer.

memandeemail at gmail dot com (09-Dec-2004 01:17)

    * @return bool
    * @param array[byreference] $values
    * @desc Convert an array or any value to Escalar Object [not tested in large scale]
    function setobject(&$values) {
        $values = (object) $values;
        foreach ($values as $tkey => $val) {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $values->$tkey = $val;
        return (bool) $values;

(23-Nov-2004 09:34)

in PHP3 converting a string to any number results in the value becoming 0.  To check if a string represents a number try this:
$test = "0001";
$testcp = $test;

if (strval($testcp) === $test) {
   echo("\$test is a number");
} else {
   echo ("\$test is not a number");

sdibb at myway dot com (07-Sep-2003 06:03)

Using settype is not the best way to convert a string into an integer, since it will strip the string wherever the first non-numeric character begins.  The function intval($string) does the same thing.

If you're looking for a security check, or to strip non-numeric characters (such as cleaning up phone numbers or ZIP codes),  try this instead:


djworld at php dot net (17-Jul-2002 02:02)

Usually it won't be necessary to use this function, but some times you need to be sure the variables are of some kind. For example, if you send a number to a database query from a variable passed by GET or POST, you may get sure it's a number by doing SetType ($var, 'integer'); so you can avoid security holes if it isn't a number and you don't need to addslashes() it, or for example, if you need to be sure that a number won't have any decimals after rounding it, you may do the same and as it will be an integer, it won't contain decimals.

(ed: change to reflect deleted of other notes)

r dot schechtel at web dot de (06-Aug-2001 10:59)


I believe in this case testing the $id using is_numeric() would be the better solution.

E.g something like this:

if (is_numeric($id)) {

Roman Schechtel

neoja at hotmail dot com (18-Feb-2001 02:42)

It is always good to validate all the variables that are given in the url and would cause an error if they are of wrong type. For example, if your page is products.php?id=123 then run settype($id, "integer") in the script, before getting the product info from the database. If the user enters a non-numeric value in the url -- either pasting it wrong or intentionally :) -- the $id will be set to zero and database query will have no errors.

ns at canada dot com (06-May-2000 12:38)

This settype() behaviour seems consistent to me. Quoting two sections from the manual:

"When casting from a scalar or a string variable to an array, the variable will become the first element of the array: "
2 $var = 'ciao';
3 $arr = (array) $var;
4 echo $arr[0];  // outputs 'ciao'

And if (like your code above) you do a settype on an empty variable, you'll end up with a one element array with an empty (not unset!) first element. So appeanding to it will start appending at index 1. As for why reset() doesn't do anything:

"When you assign a value to an array variable using empty brackets, the value will be added onto the end of the array."

It doesn't matter where the array counter is; values are added at the end, not at the counter.