在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5)



string strtoupper ( string $string )

string 中所有的字母字符转换为大写并返回。

注意 “字母” 与当前所在区域有关。例如,在默认的 “C” 区域,字符 umlaut-a(?)就不会被转换。







Example #1 strtoupper() 范例

"Mary Had A Little Lamb and She LOVED It So";
$str strtoupper($str);


Note: 此函数可安全用于二进制对象。


在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 将字符串转化为大写


davaco at net dot hr (06-Jan-2012 03:46)

Simple function for uppercase encoding of croatian text! :)

function strtoupper_hr($a) {
strtr(mb_strtoupper($a, "utf-8"), array(
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?"

james at snasta dot ie (10-Nov-2011 02:44)

In the Irish language certain initial mutations can never be capitalized — the following simple function can be used to capitalize text in Irish.

i.e. Muintir na h?ireann -> MUINTIR NA h?IREANN

function strtoupper_ga($a) {
strtr(mb_strtoupper($a, "utf-8"), array(
" MB" => " mB",
" GC" => " gC",
" ND" => " nD",
" BHF" => " bhF",
" NG" => " nG",
" BP" => " bP",
" DT" => " dT",
" HA" => " hA",
" HE" => " hE",
" HI" => " hI",
" HO" => " hO",
" HU" => " hU",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?"

markus dot geiger at mayflower dot de (20-Jun-2011 05:42)

NOTE: To uppercase a unicode string you simply could use mb_strtoupper($str,  'UTF-8') instead of all that bloated PHP functions ;=)

dev dot gabiu at gmail dot com (17-May-2011 12:22)

This would be my short version for French characters:

function fullUpper($string){
strtr(strtoupper($string), array(
"à" => "?",
"è" => "?",
"ì" => "?",
"ò" => "?",
"ù" => "?",
"á" => "?",
"é" => "?",
"í" => "?",
"ó" => "?",
"ú" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"ê" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",

christoph dot hochstrasser at gmail dot com (15-Mar-2011 04:12)

For beginners: here is the most simple Camelize function for PHP. It converts underscore or dash separated strings to camelCase, optionally with a Parameter to convert them to PascalCase (often needed for Class names).


function camelize($string, $pascalCase = false)
$string = str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', $string);
$string = ucwords($string);
$string = str_replace(' ', '', $string); 

  if (!
$pascalCase) {

smieat (02-May-2010 12:39)

perfect solutions for turkish utf-8 (including i I conversations):

function strtolowertr($metin){
mb_convert_case(str_replace('I','?',$metin), MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8");

mb_convert_case(str_replace('i','?',$metin), MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8");

ucwordstr($metin) {
ltrim(mb_convert_case(str_replace(array(' I',' ?', ' ?', ' i'),array(' I',' I',' ?',' ?'),' '.$metin), MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"));

ucfirsttr($metin) {
$metin = in_array(crc32($metin[0]),array(1309403428, -797999993, 957143474)) ? array(strtouppertr(substr($metin,0,2)),substr($metin,2)) : array(strtouppertr($metin[0]),substr($metin,1));

php at emanaton dot com (06-Nov-2009 04:38)

I liked jesdisciple's approach to a camel case function, but needed something a little more high powered, so here is my stab at this need:

 * Convert a string to camel case, optionally capitalizing the first char and optionally setting which characters are
 * acceptable.
 * First, take existing camel case and add a space between each word so that it is in Title Form; note that
 *   consecutive capitals (acronyms) are considered a single word.
 * Second, capture all contigious words, capitalize the first letter and then convert the rest into lower case.
 * Third, strip out all the non-desirable characters (i.e, non numerics).
 * $str = 'Please_RSVP: b4 you-all arrive!';
 * To convert a string to camel case:
 *  strtocamel($str); // gives: PleaseRsvpB4YouAllArrive
 * To convert a string to an acronym:
 *  strtocamel($str, true, 'A-Z'); // gives: PRBYAA
 * To convert a string to first-lower camel case without numerics but with underscores:
 *  strtocamel($str, false, 'A-Za-z_'); // gives: please_RsvpBYouAllArrive
 * @param  string  $str              text to convert to camel case.
 * @param  bool    $capitalizeFirst  optional. whether to capitalize the first chare (e.g. "camelCase" vs. "CamelCase").
 * @param  string  $allowed          optional. regex of the chars to allow in the final string
 * @return string camel cased result
 * @author Sean P. O. MacCath-Moran   www.emanaton.com
function strtocamel($str, $capitalizeFirst = true, $allowed = 'A-Za-z0-9') {
'/([A-Z][a-z])/e', // all occurances of caps followed by lowers
'/([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]*)/e', // all occurances of words w/ first char captured separately
'/[^'.$allowed.']+/e', // all non allowed chars (non alpha numerics, by default)
'/^([a-zA-Z])/e' // first alpha char
'" ".$1', // add spaces
'strtoupper("$1").strtolower("$2")', // capitalize first, lower the rest
'', // delete undesired chars
'strto'.($capitalizeFirst ? 'upper' : 'lower').'("$1")' // force first char to upper or lower

Jaason (10-Jul-2009 09:48)

convert polish special letters into big and small chars;p

function toUpper($string) {
    return (
strtoupper(strtr($string, '?ó??????ń','?????????' )));

toLower($string) {
    return (
strtolower(strtr($string,'?????????', '?ó??????ń' )));

chris at table4 dot com (19-Jan-2009 03:31)

Simple function to change the case of your string and any accented html characters contained within it.

Inspired by fullUpper(), by silent at gmx dot li... just a little bit more atomic.


function convertCase($str, $case = 'upper')
//yours, courtesy of table4.com  :)
"upper" :
$str = strtoupper($str);
$pattern = '/&([A-Z])(UML|ACUTE|CIRC|TILDE|RING|';
$replace = "'&'.'\\1'.strtolower('\\2').';'"; //convert the important bit back to lower
"lower" :
$str = strtolower($str);
$str = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);

Depending on what you are trying to achieve you would call like this:


//with entities...
$str = convertCase(htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1"));


spaceman at foo dot at (17-Apr-2008 05:59)

It has been mentioned in a previous comment that all you need to do to let PHP's strtoupper() do the conversion - instead of writing more or less complicated functions yourself - is to specify the locale in which you're doing the case conversion:

<?php setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "de_AT") ?>

It is important to note that setlocale() will silently fail if it can't find the specified locale on your system, so *always* check its return value. Try different spellings: using "de_AT" as an example, there are various combinations that may or may not work for you: "de", "de_AT.utf8", "de_AT.iso-8859-1", "de_AT.latin1", "de_AT@euro", etc).

If you can't find an appropriate locale setting, check your system configuration (locales are a system-wide setting, PHP gets them from the OS). On Windows, locales can be set from the Control Panel; on Linux it depends on your distribution. You can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" on Debian-based distros, or configure them manually. On Ubuntu Dapper, I had to copy entries over from /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local, then do the dpkg-reconfigure.

After you're done, restart the web server.

That said, there are special cases where you want to do the conversion manually. In German, for example, the letter '?' (szlig) only exists as a lower-case character, and so doesn't get converted by strtoupper. The convential way to express a '?' in an uppercase string is "SS". This function will take care of this exception (for Latin1 and most of Latin9, at least):


("LATIN1_UC_CHARS", "?????????????????????????????");
define("LATIN1_LC_CHARS", "àá??????èéê?ìí????òó????ùú?ü?");

uc_latin1 ($str) {
$str = strtoupper(strtr($str, LATIN1_LC_CHARS, LATIN1_UC_CHARS));
strtr($str, array("?" => "SS"));


jesdisciple at gmail dot com (09-Mar-2008 01:02)

This function takes a space-delimited list of words and returns it as one camelcase word.
function strtocamel($str){
$str = explode(' ', strtolower($str));
$i = 1; $i < count($str); $i++){
$str[$i] = strtoupper(substr($str[$i], 0, 1)) . substr($str[$i], 1);
implode('', $str);

echo strtocamel('Str tO CAMEL');
This will output 'strToCamel'.  To also make the first letter uppercase, change '$i = 1' to '$i = 0'.

silent at gmx dot li (15-Oct-2007 01:25)

ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) full with all special characters:

function fullUpper($str){
// convert to entities
$subject = htmlentities($str,ENT_QUOTES);
$pattern = '/&([a-z])(uml|acute|circ';
$pattern.= '|tilde|ring|elig|grave|slash|horn|cedil|th);/e';
$replace = "'&'.strtoupper('\\1').'\\2'.';'";
$result = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $subject);
// convert from entities back to characters
$htmltable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$htmltable as $key => $value) {
$result = ereg_replace(addslashes($value),$key,$result);

fullUpper("try this: ??ü?");

results in

TRY THIS: ????

Oliv. (11-Oct-2007 03:20)

accents convertion trick :

function ucfirstHTMLentity($matches){
$subject = strtoupper(htmlentities($str, null, 'UTF-8'));
$pattern = '/&([A-Z]+);/';
preg_replace_callback($pattern, "ucfirstHTMLentity", $subject);


xguimax at gmail dot com (05-Oct-2007 09:17)

Portuguese version of String Capitalize in PHP.

    function strProper($str)
        $noUp = array('um','uma','o','a','de','do','da','em');
        $str = trim($str);
        $str = strtoupper($str[0]) . strtolower(substr($str, 1));
        for($i=1; $i<strlen($str)-1; ++$i) {
            if($str[$i]==' ') {
                for($j=$i+1; $j<strlen($str) && $str[$j]!=' '; ++$j); //find next space
                $size = $j-$i-1;
                $shortWord = false;
                if($size<=3) {
                    $theWord = substr($str,$i+1,$size);
                    for($j=0; $j<count($noUp) && !$shortWord; ++$j)
                            $shortWord = true;
                if( !$shortWord )
                    $str = substr($str, 0, $i+1) . strtoupper($str[$i+1]) . substr($str, $i+2);
        return $str;

marcinhacia at gazeta dot pl (31-Jul-2007 04:15)

In response to strtoupper:

There is a simpler way to change the first letter of a string to uppercase:

='this is a much more simpler way to capitalise the first character of a string';
ucfirst($string); // This is a much more...

(16-May-2007 09:40)

='this is a simpler way to capitalise the first character of a string';
$string; // This is a simpler way...

RUNET (18-Apr-2007 01:33)


function str_to_upper($str){
    return strtr($str,

Cory (24-Jul-2006 05:05)

This function converts any series of english words to Proper Casing.  It also accounts for words such as 'a' and 'the'.  To change what words are ignored, just change the $noUp array.

function strProper($str) {
    $noUp = array('a','an','of','the','are','at','in');
    $str = trim($str);
    $str = strtoupper($str[0]) . strtolower(substr($str, 1));
    for($i=1; $i<strlen($str)-1; ++$i) {
        if($str[$i]==' ') {
            for($j=$i+1; $j<strlen($str) && $str[$j]!=' '; ++$j); //find next space
            $size = $j-$i-1;
            $shortWord = false;
            if($size<=3) {
                $theWord = substr($str,$i+1,$size);
                for($j=0; $j<count($noUp) && !$shortWord; ++$j)
                        $shortWord = true;
            if( !$shortWord )
                $str = substr($str, 0, $i+1) . strtoupper($str[$i+1]) . substr($str, $i+2);
    return $str;

sjrd at redaction-developpez dot com (03-Jun-2006 07:12)

Angus Lord's function has got a problem with html entities such as &amp;, for they're converted into &Amp;, which is incorrect.

The following code fixes the problem:

function to_upper($string)
$new_string = "";
  while (
eregi("^([^&]*)(&)(.)([a-z0-9]{2,9};|&)(.*)", $string, $regs))
$entity = $regs[2].strtoupper($regs[3]).$regs[4];
    if (
html_entity_decode($entity) == $entity)
$new_string .= strtoupper($regs[1]).$regs[2].$regs[3].$regs[4];
$new_string .= strtoupper($regs[1]).$entity;
$string = $regs[5];
$new_string .= strtoupper($string);

bart at insane dot at (10-May-2006 12:31)

When using UTF-8 and need to convert to uppercase with
special characters like the german ?,?,ü (didn't test for french,polish,russian but think it should work, too) try this:

function strtoupper_utf8($string){
    return $string;

tree2054 at hotmail dot com (14-Feb-2006 06:11)

An even simpler version of h3's rewrite:

function isupper($i) { return (strtoupper($i) === $i);}
islower($i) { return (strtolower($i) === $i);}

Grkem PAACI(gorkempacaci[et]gmail.com) (06-Jan-2006 02:36)

These functions can be used on Turkish(iso-8859-9):
Turkce(iso-8859-9) icin su fonksiyonlar kullanilabilir:

$tr_low_letters = str_split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
$tr_up_letters = str_split("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
function tr_uppercase($str) {
    global $tr_low_letters, $tr_up_letters;
    return str_replace($tr_low_letters, $tr_up_letters, $str);
function tr_lowercase($str) {
    global $tr_low_letters, $tr_up_letters;
    return str_replace($tr_up_letters, $tr_low_letters, $str);
function tr_fuppercase($str) {//only first letter uppercase
    return tr_uppercase($str[0]) . tr_lowercase(substr($str,1));

Vadim from Baku (27-Nov-2005 09:55)

The following function counts uppercase letters in English and Cyrillic. It works great with cyrillic when strtolower doesn't work due to enviroment settings.(Thank you Sean!).


It is probably displayed incorrectly due to page encoding, but there are range from the first uppercase letter of the latin alphabet to the last one and range from the first uppercase cyrillic alphabet letter to the last one in the pattern. Not sure but similar approach can work for other alphabets.

Beniamin (26-Nov-2005 02:04)

Here is correct str2upper function for polish programmers (plus str2lower function):

function str2upper($text){
"\xB1\xE6\xEA\xB3\xF1\xF3\xB6\xBC\xBF". // ISO 8859-2
"\xB9\x9C\x9F", // win 1250
"\xA1\xC6\xCA\xA3\xD1\xD3\xA6\xAC\xAF". // ISO 8859-2
"\xA5\x8C\x8F"  // win 1250

"\xA1\xC6\xCA\xA3\xD1\xD3\xA6\xAC\xAF". // ISO 8859-2
"\xA5\x8C\x8F"// win 1250
"\xB1\xE6\xEA\xB3\xF1\xF3\xB6\xBC\xBF". // ISO 8859-2
"\xB9\x9C\x9F" // win 1250

julas (01-Aug-2005 11:46)

The code for Polish programmers was spolied a little bit - \xB3 should be turned into \xA3, not the opposite. So the correct code is:

function str2upper($text){
   return strtr($text,
   "\xB1\xE6\xEA\xA3\xF1\xF3\xB6\xBC\xBF". // ISO 8859-2
   "\xB9\x9C\x9F", // win 1250
   "\xA1\xC6\xCA\xB3\xD1\xD3\xA6\xAC\xAF". // ISO 8859-2
   "\xA5\x8C\x8F"  // win 1250

kirsman (07-Jul-2005 06:37)

For polish programmers:

function str2upper($text){
   return strtr($text,
   "\xB1\xE6\xEA\xA3\xF1\xF3\xB6\xBC\xBF". // ISO 8859-2
   "\xB9\x9C\x9F", // win 1250
   "\xA1\xC6\xCA\xB3\xD1\xD3\xA6\xAC\xAF". // ISO 8859-2
   "\xA5\x8C\x8F"  // win 1250

(30-May-2005 02:11)

// 2005/5/30 Justin
    // Chinese_Traditional toupper
    function CT_to_upper($string)
        $isChineseStart = false;
          $new_string = "";
         $i = 0;
          while($i < strlen($string))
               if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
                   if( $isChineseStart == false )
                       $new_string .= strtoupper(mb_substr($string,$i,1));
                       $new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
                   if( $isChineseStart == false )
                       $isChineseStart = true;
                       $isChineseStart = false;                      
                     $new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
          return $new_string;         

Justin_Lin at mail2000 dot com dot tw (30-May-2005 02:09)

The following is my code for translate a given string to upper case and it will support chinese traditional :

// 2005/5/30 Justin
// Chinese_Traditional toupper
function CT_to_upper($string)
    $isChineseStart = false;
    $new_string = "";
    $i = 0;
    while($i < strlen($string))
           if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
           if( $isChineseStart == false )
                $new_string .= strtoupper(mb_substr($string,$i,1));
                $new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
           if( $isChineseStart == false )
                  $isChineseStart = true;
                $isChineseStart = false;                                 
             $new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
      return $new_string;         

willyann at gmail dot com (25-May-2005 05:31)


function to_upper($string) {
  $new_string = "";
  $i = 0;
  while($i < strlen($string)) {
   if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
     $new_string .= strtoupper(substr($string,$i,1));
   } else {
     $new_string .= substr($string,$i,2);
  return $new_string;

(13-Mar-2005 01:08)

Ah, the last code were spoiled, here is the fixed one:


function str_to_upper($str){


So, this function changes also other letters into uppercase, strtoupper() does only change: a-z to: A-Z.

(30-Oct-2004 11:23)

If you only need to extend the conversion by the characters of a certain language, it's possible to control this using an environment variable to change the locale:

setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "de_DE");

p dot thomas at inlive dot info (03-Apr-2004 12:02)

Some bench :

String Copy, OUT=IN : 21.398067474365 ms


- strtolower : 383.09001922607 ms
- strtolower( strtr) : 267.36092567444 ms
- preg_replace : 16624.928951263 ms
- stringUpDown : 4013.0908489227 ms

IN : jehrjzh r''_- &(r&) EAZREZREZ^m
OUT : jehrjzh r''_- &(r&) eazrezrez^m

Platform : AMD 1 Ghz, Win2K, EasyPHP

martine (07-Feb-2004 03:41)

This may save you time and effort (if you need to convert european languages such as Czech, Portugees, German or Swedish)

the function mb_strtoupper() converts all accented characters in the latin alphabet, ie. , , , etc. This is easier than some of the suggestions below. It should also convert case properly for russian, etc.

mec at stadeleck dot org (02-Dec-2002 02:54)

something I myself first not thought about:
if there are any html entities (named entities) in your string, strtoupper will turn all letters within this entities to upper case, too. So if you want to manipulate a string with strtoupper it should contain only unicode entities (if ever).

urudz at strategma dot bg (21-Apr-2002 05:49)

on linux
php gets LC_LOCAL env variable therefor you must set this

export LC_ALL=bg_BG.CP1251
export LANG=bg_BG.CP1251

before starting of apache i have put this to lines in /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd

cat /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd
# Start the Apache web server

export LC_ALL=bg_BG.CP1251
export LANG=bg_BG.CP1251

case "$1" in
      /usr/sbin/apachectl startssl ;;
      /usr/sbin/apachectl stop ;;
      /usr/sbin/apachectl restart ;;
      echo "usage $0 start|stop|restart" ;;

in windows you must define your "locale"
in control panel  > regional options > general

best regards urudz :>