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同 C 或 Perl 一样,PHP 需要在每个语句后用分号结束指令。一段 PHP 代码中的结束标记隐含表示了一个分号;在一个 PHP 代码段中的最后一行可以不用分号结束。如果后面还有新行,则代码段的结束标记包含了行结束。

echo "This is a test";

<?php echo "This is a test" ?>

<?php echo 'We omitted the last closing tag';


文件末尾的 PHP 代码段结束标记可以不要,有些情况下当使用 include() 或者 require() 时省略掉会更好些,这样不期望的白空格就不会出现在文件末尾,之后仍然可以输出响应标头。在使用输出缓冲时也很便利,就不会看到由包含文件生成的不期望的白空格。

在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 指令分隔符


pbarney (18-Nov-2011 12:13)

If you want to keep the newline after a closing tag in the output, just add a space after the closing tag, and the newline will not be ignored.

Darabos, Edvrd Konrd (19-Aug-2008 11:58)

One newline character (or sequence) is dropped out by the parser after "?>", so you can add the beloved "final newline" to your file after "?>"

Example for plain text outputs:

<? foreach($array as $elem){ ?>
Value: <?=$elem?>

<? } ?>

(You have to add an extra enter after <?=$elem?> if you want to see a newline in the output.

james dot d dot noyes at lmco dot com (05-May-2008 07:42)

If you are embedding this in XML, you had better place the ending '?>' there or the XML parser will puke on you.  XML parsers do not like processing instructions without end tags, regardless of what PHP does.

If you're doing HTML like 90% of the world, or if you are going to process/interpret the PHP before the XML parser ever sees it, then you can likely get away with it, but it's still not best practice for XML.

Krishna Srikanth (17-Aug-2006 12:44)

Do not mis interpret

<?php echo 'Ending tag excluded';


<?php echo 'Ending tag excluded';
p>But html is still visible</p>

The second one would give error. Exclude ?> if you no more html to write after the code.