在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PECL pdo >= 0.1.0)

PDO::lastInsertId Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value


string PDO::lastInsertId ([ string $name = NULL ] )

Returns the ID of the last inserted row, or the last value from a sequence object, depending on the underlying driver. For example, PDO_PGSQL() requires you to specify the name of a sequence object for the name parameter.


This method may not return a meaningful or consistent result across different PDO drivers, because the underlying database may not even support the notion of auto-increment fields or sequences.



Name of the sequence object from which the ID should be returned.


If a sequence name was not specified for the name parameter, PDO::lastInsertId() returns a string representing the row ID of the last row that was inserted into the database.

If a sequence name was specified for the name parameter, PDO::lastInsertId() returns a string representing the last value retrieved from the specified sequence object.

If the PDO driver does not support this capability, PDO::lastInsertId() triggers an IM001 SQLSTATE.

在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value


spark at limao dot com dot br (22-Feb-2012 09:24)

Remember, if you use a transaction you should use lastInsertId BEFORE you commit
otherwise it will return 0

warezthebeef at gmail dot com (30-Aug-2011 07:04)

If you're accessing MSSQL/SQL Server 2008 R2 (or higher) from Linux via FreeTDS there's a slightly neater way of getting the last insert ID than the solution(s) outlined below.

The specific SQL involved is outlined here:


So for example, with a table containing the two columns (product_id, product_name) where product_id is a uniqueidentifier or something similar you could do the following.


// Assume $dbh connection handle is already established

$sql = "INSERT INTO product (product_name) OUTPUT INSERTED.product_id VALUES (?)";

$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);


$temp = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


Then $temp will contain an array like:

    [product_id] => E1DA1CB0-676A-4CD9-A22C-90C9D4E81914

Just be warned that there are some issues relating to how uniqueidentifier columns are handled by PDO_DBLIB/FreeTDS depending on the TDS version you choose that have only been fixed as of PHP 5.3.7.

Information regarding this and the patch can be found here:


ruben02 at hotmail dot com (24-Feb-2011 03:48)

I think I get a nice solution in Postgres to get the ID using the RETURNING that comes with Postgress since version 8.2. In the example below, I add to my insert clause the "returning" along with the primary key of my table, then after the execute, I do a fetch getting an array with the value of the last inserted id.

public function insert($employee){

$sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO employee(user_id,name,address,city) VALUES(:user_id,:name,:address,:city) RETURNING employee_id";

$statement = $this->prepare($sqlQuery);

$a ="2002-03-11 12:01AM" ;

$statement->bindParam(":user_id", $employee->getUserId(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
$statement->bindParam(":name", $employee->getName(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
$statement->bindParam(":address", $employee->getAddress(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
$statement->bindParam(":city", $employee->getCity(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


info at nospam dot timreeves dot de (11-Dec-2008 08:03)

Workaround for the fact that MSSQL does not provide lastInsertId().  This is locale-independent by design.

= false;
try {
// Issue a compound command, 2nd part outputs the inserted Id
$strQuery =
'INSERT INTO t1 (f1,f2) VALUES(v1,v2); SELECT @@IDENTITY AS mixLastId';
// Yup, your eyes are ok, NOT exec but query!!!
$objSth = $objDb->query($strQuery);
$mixRc = (is_object($objSth) and $objSth->errorCode() == '00000');
catch (
PDOException $objException) {
$pdoMsg = $objException->getMessage();
$pdoMsg = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $pdoMsg);
$strMessage = 'insertRecord: Failed ' .
$strQuery . ', Error Message: ' . $pdoMsg;
doLog(__FILE__, __LINE__, $strMessage);
    throw new
if (
$mixRc === false) return false;

// The compound command delivers a multi-rowset statement handle
// Move past the first (invalid) rowset from the INSERT command
// Pick up the first row of the rowset from "SELECT @@IDENTITY"
$rowTd = $objSth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
if (!
is_array($rowTd)) {
doLog(__FILE__, __LINE__,
'insertRecord: $objSth->fetch() returns %s', gettype($rowTd));
$strLastRowId = trim($rowTd[0]); // trim() for trailing Nullbyte
// Integers are returned stringified, format depends on locale
// Generally ends with ",00" or ".00" - trim that off
$strLastRowId = preg_replace('/[,.]0+$/', '', $strLastRowId);
// Remove any remaining "." or "," for thousands
$strLastRowId = preg_replace('/[,.]/', '', $strLastRowId);
// A GUID, which contains no "," or ".", will be left unchanged
return $strLastRowId;

espen underscore g at mail dot com (25-Oct-2008 04:08)

A better way of doing this in PostgreSQL is using the RETURNING keyword for the INSERT query.

You can use this SQL with the query function, and save a database call:

INSERT INTO tbl_users (firstname, lastname) VALUES ('John', 'Doe') RETURNING user_id;

This is also more accurate in an environment where more than one record might be inserted at the time, or other connections might insert records into the same table.

Alfred Reinold Baudisch (07-Oct-2008 01:21)

For PostgreSQL you can still use the old solution to return the last Id of an INSERT, selecting the currval of a table's id_sequence.

The code below shows a working function (which is easy adaptale into another class, etc).

// -------------------------
// Last Insert ID for PDO with PostgreSQL
// -------------------------
function pgsqlLastInsertId($sqlQuery, $pdoObject)
// Checks if query is an insert and gets table name
if( preg_match("/^INSERT[\t\n ]+INTO[\t\n ]+([a-z0-9\_\-]+)/is", $sqlQuery, $tablename) )
// Gets this table's last sequence value
$query = "SELECT currval('" . $tablename[1] . "_id_seq') AS last_value";

$temp_q_id = $pdoObject->prepare($query);

$temp_result = $temp_q_id->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            return (
$temp_result ) ? $temp_result['last_value'] : false;



Example of use:

// ... connects to a PostgreSQL DB
$pdoObject = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', 'user', 'pass');

$sql = 'INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES (\'some_value\');';
$result = $pdoObject->prepare($sql);

'Last Insert ID: ' . pgsqlLastInsertId($sql, $pdoObject);


Nour (15-Aug-2008 10:49)

Beware of lastInsertId() when working with transactions in mysql. The following code returns 0 instead of the insert id.

try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');

$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO test (name, email) VALUES(?,?)");

    try {
$tmt->execute( array('user', 'user@example.com'));
    } catch(
PDOExecption $e) {
"Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "</br>";
} catch(
PDOExecption $e ) {
"Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "</br>";

When no exception is thrown, lastInsertId returns 0. However, if lastInsertId is called before calling commit, the right id is returned.

lod (17-Jul-2008 04:41)

Using Postgresql calling this function is identical to doing (with appropriate quoting):

PDO::query("SELECT CURRVAL($name)");

That's the exact query performed by PDO source code used.
(version checked current at time of writing, pgsql_driver.c,v 1.68 2007/12/31)

In particular this means that in normal operation you are still in auto-commit mode and CURRVAL is subject to race conditions.

To use this function safely in Postgresql you MUST wrap it in a beginTransaction() commit() block.

ed at hicklinslade dot com (26-May-2008 05:05)

In response to Yonatan Ben-Nes, it does appear that using the latest versions of PHP 5.x and PostgreSQL 8.x, the driver will return a "meaningful" ID (rather than an OID), provided you pass the name of the corresponding sequence.

So, if you created a table as follows:

"username" character varying(32)

PostgreSQL will (by default) create a sequence called 'user_id_seq'.

You can then do something like:

$strTable = "user":
$last_insert_id = $objPDO->lastInsertId("$strTable_id_seq);

This does appear to function as expected. What is a little unclear to me is whether this simply returns the current value of the sequence; if it does, this isn't a particularly reliable indicator as to the id of the record your code just inserted, especially if your site or application is especially high traffic.

Xavier Arnaus (15-May-2008 06:28)

As said by Dennis Du Kroger, in this situation the function will return 0.

But you can retrieve the last inserted Id executing a query asking for the function LAST_INSERT_ID() (at least in MySQL)

Try this:

($o_db is the declared adapter)

$last_id = $o_db->fetchAll('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as last_id');
$last_id = intval($last_id[0]['last_id']);

Steven L (13-May-2008 08:47)

This function is not available for MSSQL either.

Jonathon Hibbard (28-Apr-2008 06:17)

It should be noted here at this function will not display the correct ID if issuing ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Example on a new Row:
= "INSERT INTO city (`city`) VALUES ('Paris') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `city` = 'Paris";

Above displays: 1
Expected display: 1

Example on an existing row that gets updated:
= "INSERT INTO city (`city`) VALUES ('Paris') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `city` = 'Paris";

Above displays: 2
Expected display: 1 (since no new records were inserted)

You'll have to work around this.

Yonatan Ben-Nes (17-May-2007 05:05)

It should be mentioned that this function DOES NOT retrieve the ID (Primary key) of the row but it's OID instead.

So if you use one of the latest PostgreSQL versions this function won't help you unless you add OID to the table specifically when you create it.

Dennis Du Kr?ger (22-Jan-2007 10:40)

It should be noted that, at least for MySQL using InnoDB tables, with transactions PDO will report the last insert id as 0 after the commit, the real ids are only reported before committing.

(As a side note, MySQL keeps the ID number incremented after a rollback).

dave at dtracorp dot com (18-Aug-2006 01:34)

in case anyone was wondering
something like

$val = 5;
$sql = "REPLACE table (column) VALUES (:val)";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':val', $val, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$lastId = $dbh->lastInsertId();

will return the last inserted id, whether the record was replaced or simply inserted

the REPLACE syntax, simply inserts, or deletes > inserts
so lastInsertId() still works

refer to http://mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/replace.html
for REPLACE usage

opik at opik dot ru (20-Dec-2005 02:10)

Simple example:
try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', 'passowd');

$smf = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO test (`numer`) VALUES (?)");
$a = mt_rand(1, 100);
$smf->bindParam(1, $a, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$dbh->lastInsertId().'<br />';

$a = mt_rand(1, 100);
$smf->bindParam(1, $a, PDO::PARAM_INT);

$dbh = null;
} catch (
PDOException $e) {
"Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";