在线手册:中文 英文


To enable SOAP support, configure PHP with --enable-soap .

在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 安装


bty-adminf4 at trebly dot net (10-Oct-2011 02:05)

Not a bug, not an enhancement, but incident with a solution which is needed to take care of a parameters coherency problem with wdsl_cache.

This need which could disappear in future (next) version .

If soap is enable (default), in php.ini after the parameter which enables the cache for wdsl :

if the other parameter
is not explicitly set (>0)

A request :
$mysoap_inst = NEW SoapClient ( https://...../*.wsdl)
will crash because the class SoapClient will not be loaded and initiated.

The following parameters are requested into php.ini :
soap.wsdl_cache_dir (not completely checked)

This is because default value are not enabled by a simple
You can't try to set dynamically the value if they are not defined in php.ini explicitly with the default value.

warren at mojohost dot com (03-Mar-2011 09:51)

You may not need anything extra, just --enable-soap. For some reason reading these notes made me think some other installation was required. You can just recompile with --enable-soap.

For linux try php -i | grep configure and run your new configure with that same list, just append --enable-soap at the end.

Anonymous (03-Nov-2010 04:03)

If you are using 3rd party all-in-one servers on windows (like Uniform Server etc), "php_soap.dll" may not be included in the default distribution. If this is the case, the do phpinfo(); first, check what compiler is used - you need to find out if it's VC6 or VC9, then got to official php download page, get windows binary distribution (.zip archive recommended), and copy php_soap.dll from that archive to your server (on Uniform it's <path>usr\local\php\extensions\ and then restart the apache service. Please note that despite of compiler difference, PHP comes in two flavours - thread safe and non thread safe. If one does not work for you (check logs - "unable to load dynamic library '...' usually means file is not there (not the case) or cannot be loaded (due to compiler ABI mismatch or ts/nts mismatch). Try thread safe binaries first.

ifzen at yahoo dot com (04-Oct-2010 08:36)

And CentOS or Red-Hat : yum install php-soap

walter (11-Jun-2010 08:06)

Gentoo: add the 'soap' use flag to /etc/make.conf and emerge -av php

Julian (15-Apr-2010 02:26)

on Ubuntu or Debian serived servers...

sudo aptitude install php-soap